Op Brad, Waihi Beach stabbing- update 5

Thursday 3 January 2013, 1:32PM

By New Zealand Police



As an investigation into how a visitor from Queensland came to suffer critical injuries in Waihi Beach on New Year's Day heads into its third day, Waikato Police have been joined from colleagues from neighbouring Districts.

Eastern Waikato Area Commander, Inspector Dana McDonald, said with the Police's national focus on victims, it should come as no surprise that the Operation Brad investigation involved a whole of policing approach.

"That's what our response is about we're grateful staff from outside the District who were working here on summer policing have put their hand up to stay on to assist with our investigation just as we are pleased to see additional staff coming over today.

"That gratitude also extends to all the members of the public who have made contact with Police after seeing appeals for information in the media or from passing our temporary Police station opposite the scene on the corner of Beach and Oceanview Roads."

While investigators have a lot of information to work through that has already come in from the public they are still keen to hear from anyone who may have seen something happen around 25 Beach Rd around 1am on Tuesday morning.

"We're still very keen to hear from anyone who may have taken images on their cell-phones, i-pads,   i-pods or other technology of people celebrating New Year's around the surf club, camping ground, Beach Rd, Hinemoa Rd and Oceanview Rd between 12.30-1.30am on that day.

"If you have such images we would like you to email them to Police along with your consent for us to use them to our investigation team at"

Mr McDonald said given the advantages of modern technology it wasn't inconceivable that with the public behind them, Police could identify through images provided from the public, the majority of people present in the area around the time of the attack.

The 64-year-old man injured in the attack remains in a critical condition in Waikato Hospital's Intensive Care Unit this morning.