Hyundai's top 10 surf tips

Wednesday 23 January 2013, 4:56PM

By New Zealand Greenroom Productions Ltd


“So you’ve decided that this is the summer that you’re finally going to learn to surf!
We have teamed up with our friends at Surfing NZ to provide you with our top 10 tips to get you on a board and into the water”




“Number 1 - Pick the right surf break for your ability – for safety reasons, if you need to, go to a popular beach that has lifeguards on duty”

“Number 2 - Know the environment your about to get into - assess the weather, tide, wind and swell conditions before you go surfing”

“Number 3 - If you want to learn your basics or progress your surf skills to the next level, we suggest you get a lesson from a Surfing NZ qualified surf instructor – visit online

“Number 4 - Make sure you have the right board for your ability - Bigger boards are easier to paddle and have more stability, making standing up less of a challenge.  Also wear a leg rope at all times – the last thing you want to do is loose your board and put others in danger”

“Number 5 - Surf within your limits - Remember if in doubt, don't paddle out.

"Number 6 - The New Zealand Sun is seriously strong during the middle of the day - So be Sun Smart - Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap. Use good waterproof sunscreen and wear a UV resistant top”

“Number 7 - Remember to keep safe – you should be a competent swimmer, which means being able to swim at least 50m without your board”

“Number 8 - if your not confident by yourself find a surfing buddy to go out with  – at the end of the day it's safer and way more fun sharing waves with a friend”

“Number 9 – Learn about the rips that occur at your beach by asking a local.  Rips can be dangerous but if your aware of them they can work to your advantage.”

“And finally Number 10 - Make sure you secure your boards to the roof with some good board straps.  If they come off at high speed they can become a lethal weapon.