Farewell Sir Paul, you will be missed

Friday 1 February 2013, 2:47PM

By John Key


Prime Minister John Key says today’s news that Sir Paul Holmes KNZM has passed away is the end of a broadcasting era.

“Paul Holmes was a gentleman broadcaster. He conducted his interviews with intelligence and insightfulness, and while he never suffered fools, his interviews were never without kindness and empathy,” says Mr Key.

“He was a trailblazer in New Zealand journalism with a style that was all his own.

“I also counted him as a friend and I want to personally acknowledge the pain Deborah, Lady Holmes, Millie and Reuben are now feeling and offer my heartfelt condolences,” says Mr Key.

“Paul has been part of New Zealanders’ lives since the 1970s. For more than a decade he was compulsive viewing at 7pm and, up until very recently, he was still on Q&A and his radio show. It is hard to imagine a broadcasting spectrum without him.

“It was a privilege to be with him last month as he received his Knighthood for services to broadcasting – I cannot think of anyone who deserved this more.

“Farewell Sir Paul, you will be missed.”