Entries open for PM's Business Scholarships

Friday 26 April 2013, 2:04PM

By John Key


Prime Minister John Key says executives looking to expand their international expertise should apply for this year’s Prime Minister’s Business Scholarships, which are now open for applications.

The scholarships are designed to build business capability and develop skills, particularly in management and international business leadership.

“We need to develop better skills to get the best out of our workforce, which in turn will help to grow the economy,” says Mr Key.

“Getting access to the best knowledge from the world’s best schools can only benefit our senior executives and the companies they return to.”

Last year’s scholarships enabled 14 successful recipients to enrol for this year’s intakes at prestigious international institutions such as Harvard, INSEAD and London Business School.

“We are already seeing tangible benefits as the recipients return to their firms,” says Mr Key.

“This will only increase as each new tranche complete their courses and return home to help their firms expand their international business transactions.”

Applications for the scholarships close on 27 May 2013. For more information visit: