A Quality Customer Experience Now Achievable.....

Tuesday 1 April 2014, 9:50AM

By Customer Experiences Ltd


A recent Bloomberg Businessweek survey revealed that “delivering a great customer experience” has become the new imperative: 80% of the companies polled rated customer experience as a top strategic objective.
For many years now small businesses especially in the service sector have struggled to develop the strategies that result in the delivery of a quality customer experience.

This has now changed due to the launch of a unique, free online customer experience development programme that comes with direct expert support

Customer Experience Managing Director and Programme creator Chris Bell has taken his very successful 7 step development program and made it available online. Bell said that in an increasingly competitive market the development of a sustainable competitive advantage is vital if a business is going to benefit from the growth of loyal customers and the resulting recommendations.

In a recent international survey by Bain & Co it was found that eighty percent of businesses believed they were delivering a great customer experience, however only eight percent of customers agreed.

The difficultly up until now has not been the lack of motivation it’s been the affordability for SMEs. This has now changed.
One of the uniqueness’s of the program is the understanding that every business is different and as a result are starting their customer experience  development journey from different points and in many cases with very different challenges. Bell was adamant that he wanted businesses to have direct access to advice and support as they worked through the programme and has included Skype and email as contact options

Bell said that he wanted to make this programme as easy as possible to work through so that business gained maximum value as a result. He also makes the point that this is a continually improving strategy so once a business has their customer experience in place, that is just the start. The question then is “how can we add even greater customer value”?

Profit and growth are stimulated primarily by employee and customer loyalty. Loyalty is a direct result of exceeding customer’s expectations. Exceeding customer’s expectations is largely achieved by the value of service provided to customers.
Value is created by your engaged, loyal, creative and productive people. 

Chris Bell is the Managing Director of Customer Experiences, a company committed to building successful businesses through the development of high quality customer experiences and co-founder of cemNZ 027 2792360