An ever-evolving health and safety program.

Wednesday 13 August 2014, 11:43AM

By Hindin Solutions Limited


The most successful businesses in any industry are the ones that are agile and responsive; the ones that are willing to evolve and continually look for ways to improve. Those same organisations adopt a similarly proactive approach to workplace health and safety.

It’s one thing to have a health and safety program; it’s another thing altogether to action it, manage it, and reap the benefits of it. A health and safety plan is more than just a box-ticking exercise - yes, it will help you fulfill your legal obligations under the Health and Safety in Employment Act, but astute businesses will also see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

An effective health and safety policy will allow your team to report on incidents and accidents, note hazards and suggest improvements. As a result of these insights opportunities to improve the way you operate will invariably arise.

Unfortunately, many businesses fail to act on these insights. Caught up in the day-to-day running of the business and your short-term goals it’s easy to put-off making long-term improvements. This not only means you’re missing out on an opportunity to enhance the way your organisation runs, it also means you could be exposing yourself to unnecessary risk.

Following any incident, accident, investigation or review there are always a number of actions that should be carried out. Some of these are mandatory and some are optional, but in an ideal world all of them need to be completed.

To avoid letting these tasks fall through the cracks you have to have a way of managing the entire process – from reporting and reviewing through to the implementation of new procedures to mitigate further risk.
Health and Safety management software packages such as Assura automate this process, providing a clear course of action and ensuring all parties understand who is responsible for what. By assigning tasks, establishing milestones and initiating reminders Assura enhances both transparency and accountability, and helps you learn from your mistakes and avoid making them again.

For more information about Assura, the software package that helps you improve and future-proof your business, visit our website.