Family-Owned for over 40 Years, EcoPro Cleaning Remains the Only Cleaning Service Licensed by Environmental Choice NZ

Monday 23 March 2015, 9:47AM

By eMagic



Green cleaning ( may seem like a current trend, but for one family-owned New Zealand company it has been a way of life for more than 40 years.  The EcoPro Cleaning  Co., founded originally under the name MW Cleaning by Doug Mayall and David Wilson in 1974, was established with a mandate to deliver superior cleaning services focused on caring for, and maintaining, commercial premises. This approach assumed a more holistic perspective of commercial cleaning than was prevalent at the time.  It seems that time has caught up with the company which finds huge demand from businesses seeking to reduce their waste output, lower costs for supplies and products and keep their employees healthy.  EcoPro is the one and only company licensed by Environmental Choice NZ. 

“We were the original,” says EcoPro co-owner Anne Quaid, daughter of David Wilson.  “And we still are!  We are proud to be the only company recognised by the government of New Zealand as a completely environmentally-friendly cleaning service.”

Being ‘Green’ is not just about changing the chemicals we use or recycling a few products - it’s a mindset. It is about ‘talking the talk’ and ‘walking the walk’ both at home and our workplace environments.  In addition to offering commercial cleaning services, EcoPro also has a strong commitment to educating individuals, businesses and the community in learning how they can implement real eco-friendly practices. An example is their newly formed alliance with Sustainable Coastlines and being involved in a recent beach clean-up event in Waiheke Island.

EcoPro does a complete business consultation during which they identify which areas the client’s current cleaning process may be improved and they develop a plan in order to reduce waste and lower costs.  In fact, while many people might assume that environmentally conscious cleaning will be more expensive than traditional services, many business owners are pleasantly surprised by the level of sustainable savings they can achieve by minimising the use of plastic bags and other consumables. 

Increased staff productivity and reduced sick leaves are often the result of EcoPro’s efforts.  Office workers spend more than 80% of their time indoors, and most of this time is when we are at work.  Indoor air can be up to 2 - 5 times more polluted than outdoor air causing diseases like asthma to rise at alarming rates. Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is now recognised as causing a wide range of complaints including general malaise and a collective loss of billions of dollars in productivity.  But with the use of sustainable cleaning products and equipment and actions like eliminating contaminants such as Volatile Organic Compounds found in traditional everyday cleaning products, many studies have shown boosted employee productivity from .5% to 7%, with most experts agreeing that 2% increase in productivity is reasonable.

For more information on The EcoPro Cleaning Co., or more ideas on how to become green conscious, visit