Earthquakes causing damage in Gisborne serve as a timely reminder for Auckland to be prepared

Friday 21 December 2007, 3:36PM

By Auckland Region Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group



Councillor Derek Battersby, Chair of the Auckland Region Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is urging Aucklanders to take a few simple steps to be prepared in case of a disaster.

“If people are prepared before heading away for their holiday it can make a big difference during an emergency and in the days following.

"It’s also very important that people prepare themselves and their families for an emergency.
“The simple steps people take in advance really do make a difference when a disaster strikes."
People should plan ahead:

have an emergency survival kit (e.g. radio and batteries, torch, food, water – three litres per person/day)
have a getaway kit (e.g. blankets, clothing)
recognise hazards to consider and how to avoid them (e.g. falling objects, loss of water and power, evacuating your home)
identifying key contacts, a family meeting place, and who is responsible for what.
"Being prepared for a disaster is everyone's responsibility," says Cr Derek Battersby.
Cr Battersby says that people need to know that they might be by themselves for up to three days and that during this time it is highly likely that there could be limited drinking water available, power and phone lines could be cut off and sewerage systems could be damaged.

The Auckland Region Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is charged with ensuring a coordinated response in the event of a large scale emergency in the Auckland region. It is made up of representatives from all city and district councils in the region, health agencies, lifeline utilities, the emergency services and the Auckland Regional Council.

Information about being prepared for a disaster is available online at

Copies are also available from local councils in the Auckland region or by calling 0800 22 22 00.