Waikato Dairy Winners Love the Lifestyle

Saturday 8 March 2008, 10:15AM

By New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards



The 2008 Waikato Sharemilkers of the Year Brock and Janine Fiske love the lifestyle and benefits dairy farming offers them and their family.

The couple, who won $10,500 in cash and prizes for their win announced at the Cambridge Raceway last night, say they have the dedication, commitment and passion for any position they take on in the industry.

The Fiskes are currently 25% sharemilkers for Fonterra on the co-operative’s 136ha Bardowie farm near Cambridge. They are milking 480 cows and anticipate production of 143,000kg milksolids this season, ending May 31.

It was their first time entering the Dairy Industry Awards, though 30-year-old Brock Fiske has been in the industry since training as a farm cadet at Waikato Polytechnic. The Fiskes are working their way up in the industry and plan to continue variable order sharemilking until they are ready for their next step.

“We believe our two main strengths are our team work and the creation of a stress free working environment. We know our team’s strengths and can utilise them and have good communication and other support systems that enable us to all enjoy farming.”

The Dairy Industry Awards are supported by national sponsors Westpac, DairyNZ, Fonterra, RD1, LIC, Meridian Energy, Ravensdown, Ecolab, Federated Farmers, and Blue Wing Honda, along with industry partner Agriculture ITO.

The 2008 Waikato Farm Manager of the Year winner, Olin Greenan, and 2008 Waikato Dairy Trainee of the Year, Timothy Fransen, were also announced at the awards dinner.

All three winners will now compete for the New Zealand Sharemilker of the Year, New Zealand Farm Manager of the Year and New Zealand Dairy Trainee of the Year titles and a prize pool of more than $100,000 in Christchurch on May 24.

Waikato Farm Manager winner Olin Greenan, aged 29, is managing an 188ha farm at Taupiri owned by Graham and Thelma Bird milking 560 cows and anticipating milk production of 190,000kg milksolids this season.

Mr Greenan, who emigrated to New Zealand from Ireland after completing a Degree in Agriculture, had entered the Dairy Industry Awards twice before and had obviously learnt from the judges feedback, winning $8000 in cash and prizes for his award.

“Entering the awards helps you to set personal and business goals and then implement them. You also develop networks within the industry and your overall self confidence is increased through presenting yourself and your business to judges.”

He aims to take on a 50% sharemilking position in June, enjoys participating in Young Farmers and is an avid Manchester United football fan.

Waikato Dairy Trainee of the Year Timothy Fransen is an Assistant Manager for Nick and Cathy Prendergast milking 185 cows on a 54ha milking platform near Arapuni.

Mr Fransen has obtained his Agriculture ITO Certificate in Production Management Level 4, which he says has helped improve his knowledge on how he can obtain maximum production from the herd and farm.

He won a $3000 prize package.

Waikato Sharemilkers of the Year Brock and Janine Fiske will host a field day on Bardowie farm on Thursday March 27, while Waikato Farm Manager of the Year Olin Greenan will host a field day on the Taupiri farm he manages on Thursday March 20. Further details on the winners and field days can be found on

Sharemilker Merit Awards:

Animal Health Centre Health & Welfare Award – Michael & Jo Earwaker
Harcourts Kevin Deane Real Estate Ltd Best Endeavour Award – Bas Nelis
Waikato Farmers Variable Order Award – Alastair Hall
Blue Wing Honda ATV Safety Award – Gareth & Kiri-Anne Evans
DairyNZ First Time Entrant Award – Brock & Janine Fiske
Ecolab Farm Dairy Hygiene Award – Dave & Kelly Fisher
Federated Farmers Leadership Award – Tom & Leanne Heneghan
LIC Recording and Productivity Award – Markus Ruegger
Meridian Energy Farm Environment Award – Bas Nelis
Ravensdown Pasture Performance Award – Alastair Hall
Westpac Business Performance Award – Bas Nelis

Farm Manager Merit Awards:

Effluent & Irrigation Design (NZ) Ltd Best Endeavour Award – Andrew & Nicky McLeod
DairyNZ Human Resource Management Award – Daniel Baker
RD1 Farm Management Award – Olin Greenan
Westpac Financial and Planning Award – Olin Greenan