Positive start to new recycling service

Thursday 10 July 2008, 5:17PM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau residents are being thanked for how well they’ve responded to the city’s new recycling service.

Manukau City Council City Form and Environment Portfolio Leader Sharon Stewart says the first fortnight of the new recycling wheelie bins has gone well.

“We’re pleased at how well people have taken to the new way of recycling.

“Many people have told me they are recycling more because the recycling wheelie bins have made it easier. The roads are also tidier with lids on the bins stopping plastic and paper blowing out.

“Some people are still putting out recycling in their old green crate, they should remember it won’t be collected and to use their recycling wheelie bin.

“With a major change to a new recycling service for nearly 100,000 households it was expected that some people would put out their rubbish or recycling on their old collection day. This is becoming less of an issue as people get used to their new collections,” Cr Stewart says.

Residents are reminded to check their new recycling and rubbish collection days on the calendar that came with their recycling bin or at or by phoning 2625104. All bins should be put out for collection before 7am.

People still putting out their old green crate are reminded it won’t be collected so they should use the recycling wheelie bin.

Visy Recycling General Manager Michael Franks says Visy is exceptionally pleased at the quality and volume of recyclables coming from Manukau residents.

“This is a positive indicator that people are embracing the new and improved way of recycling with collections running smoothly and the majority of residents adhering to the new collection instructions.

“All-in-all it’s been an excellent start with residents playing the biggest part in this success by ensuring that as much material as possible is recycled and saved from being disposed of in landfill.

“Contaminants can interfere with the recycling process and have the potential to harm our workers, so residents need to be mindful to put only the correct items in the recycling bin,” Mr Franks says.

No garden waste, nappies, plastic bags or rubbish should be put in the recycling wheelie bins.

The aim of the new service is to make it easier for Manukau people to recycle more. It is expected to increase the volume of recycling by between 15 and 25 per cent.

What can go in the recycling wheelie bin?
Paper and cardboard
Plastic containers and bottles numbered 1 to 7
Tins and cans
Glass jars and bottles
Clean aluminium foil trays/plates
Empty aerosols.

What can’t go in the recycling wheelie bin?
Plastic bags or plastic food wrap
Kitchen or garden waste