Strategic voting finally working

Monday 27 October 2008, 2:00PM

By Steven Wilkinson



The West Coast-Tasman voters have the opportunity to have 4 representatives in Parliament this election.

Because of their party positioning Damien O'Connor, Chris Auchinvole, and Kevin Hague all would be in parliament through the 'party' vote allocation. So in reality a vote for one of these candidates is effectively a wasted vote.

If Labour, National, and Green supporters gave their party votes to their parties and gave their constituency vote to Steven Wilkinson, then West Coast-Tasman would be represented by 4 candidates.

Steven Wilkinson believes that being elected to represent the West Coast-Tasman seat, would be a great platform to begin the public debate on cannabis law reform without affecting his responsibility as a representative for the area.

"You can not have effective debate without firstly providing non-emotive, factual information on the issue. When government controlled regulation is explained, people tend to then realise how lacking prohibition really is." Mr Wilkinson said.

Having 4 representatives would cover nearly all of West Coast-Tasman's voters, allowing for Labour, National, Green and people who believe in social Justice to have a voice in issues affecting the area.

Steven Wilkinson said "If the 4 of us could not work together for the betterment of West Coast-Tasman, then we do not have the right to be standing for this seat. I think people are getting sick of this 'first past the post' attitude from the 2 main parties, and that voters want to see their vote working and having some clout in Wellington."

"I believe having 4 representatives in Parliament is what we need, our electorate covers the largest area. To date we have had no real voice and have had to stand quietly by as companies reap our natural reserves without any true concerns given to our needs. 4 representatives should be able to sort something out" he said.

Steven Wilkinson having stood for three elections is the second longest contester for the West Coast-Tasman seat after Damien O'Connor. He has a strong social justice belief, and says that his goals for the seat are not antibusiness or pro-green but rather ideas that ensure quality of life for all West Coast-Tasman people.

So this election will be interesting in the fact that: Will the West Coast-Tasman voters continue to vote for one or the other party. Or realise that with MMP strategic voting is the sensible choice ensuring they have a voice of 4. Only time will tell.

Steven Wilkinson
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party

03 525 7206
027 751 3986