Drug recovery and Arrests - Operation Marvel update Wednesday 10 December

Wednesday 10 December 2008, 10:37AM

By New Zealand Police



 Searches continue on properties at Cape Foulwind and central Westport.

4 persons were arrested yesterday on drug-related charges in relation to Operation Marvel.

The helicopter operating in support of the operation was also responsible for the location of another cannabis growing operation near Charleston unconnected with Operation Marvel, which resulted in the arrest of a 5th person from that address, and the recovery of 10 firearms (including an SKS semi-auto rifle) and some explosives.

A number of staff were being released today, with Southern and Canterbury District staff returning home.

Tasman District staff remained with some follow-up work and the processing of the many exhibits seized.

Detective Inspector Winter said that not all persons sought had yet been located, but that would be finalised soon. Other charges were likely to be brought against some of the major defendants who were already in custody.

He said that police now had a very clear picture of the nature and extent of the syndicate and the sums of 'dirty' money they were generating.

The appropriate action would follow in due course as police moved to strip those involved of their unlawfully obtained assets.

Detective Inspector Winter said the operation had achieved its aim of bringing the cannabis cultivation and distribution syndicate to an end.

Police welcomed any information on the drugs and organised crime area from the public, who were invited to contact their local police or the Tasman District Organised Crime Unit based in Nelson.