Lest we forget - call to honour ANZACs

Wednesday 22 April 2009, 3:54PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



On Saturday, the communities of the Queenstown Lakes District are being encouraged to respect and honour Anzac Day, QLDC Mayor Clive Geddes and Deputy Mayor John Wilson said.

Retailers, commercial operators, businesses, bars and restaurants were all required by law to close from midnight on Friday through until 1pm on April 25 to honour the 2721 New Zealanders killed at Gallipoli.

“I would like to think that on this one morning of the year, our business community, our residents and our visitors will respect the undeniable significance of the day,” Mr Geddes said.

During World War I small communities like Glenorchy, Skippers, Macetown, Hawea and Luggate were decimated by the loss of sons, brothers, fathers and uncles.

“In a community like Arrowtown 12 lads lost their lives during World War I, that’s 6% of the population gone, with some families losing two sons. In Glenorchy 19 boys never came home. The impact on our district and the entire country was profound,” Mr Wilson said.

It was imperative that both residents and visitors took pause to honour the spirit of the day.

“We may have the luxury today of living without the horror of war but we cannot risk ever forgetting,” Mr Geddes said.

From year to year the significance of the occasion did not dwindle. “It is heartening to see that every year the crowd continues to swell in numbers,” Mr Geddes said.

Mr Geddes would attend the Queenstown service and lay a wreath on behalf of the community, while Mr Wilson would be guest speaker at the Arrowtown service.

Anzac Day Commemorations:

  • Queenstown – 9.15am Gather for 9.30am parade from Memorial Gates, Queenstown Gardens, Marine Parade; 10am Service at Queenstown Memorial Hall.
  • Arrowtown – 10am Memorial Service at Athenaeum Hall followed by parade to the Cenotaph.
  • Wanaka / Hawea – 7am dawn service at Lake Hawea Outlet; 9.30am service at Lake Wanaka Centre; 10.45am Memorial Service at War Memorial, Chalmers Street.