Winter Games NZ fanfare by leading New Zealand composer

Tuesday 11 August 2009, 11:50AM

By 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games


The medals have been produced especially for 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games by Ken Tainui and his team of carvers in Hokitika.
The medals have been produced especially for 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games by Ken Tainui and his team of carvers in Hokitika. Credit: EveNZ


Carved pounamu medals and three original pieces of music performed on traditional Maori instruments have been created to give ceremonies at 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games a true Aotearoa spirit.

The medals have been produced especially for 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games by Ken Tainui and his team of carvers in Hokitika. Athletes will be presented with the medals as a permanent memento of their success at the Games and the experience of competing in New Zealand.

The music will play on different occasions throughout the Games. A special fanfare has been composed for the opening ceremony that takes place in Queenstown on Friday 21st August. The ceremony also features a traditional powhiri/welcome by Ngai Tahu and flag bearers from each competing nation arriving across Lake Wakatipu in jet boats. The Governor General will then declare the 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games open.

Dr Richard Nunns, who composed the music, is a well-known authority on ngä taonga puoro (Maori traditional musical instruments). Described as one of New Zealand's most remarkable musicians, he composed the fanfares using two traditional instruments – the pukaea, a long wooden trumpet, and the putatara, a conch shell with mouthpiece.

“It was a lovely challenge to create this new sound for such a significant international event,” said Dr Nunns. “Using these instruments for a fanfare involving layers of different sounds is rare. They were traditionally used for awe-inspiring occasions in war as well as times of peace. They signalled the beginning of rituals and were used for calling, welcoming and announcing which fits nicely with the spirit of the opening ceremony.”

Awards manager Lynne Klap said, “Usually international sports events have strict protocols for music and medal ceremonies. As an independent event, Winter Games NZ has provided a wonderful opportunity to create our own unique feel and sound. It has been a pleasure to work with Richard and Ken to create these truly astounding works which will leave athletes and spectators with a lasting memory of New Zealand.’’

100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games will take place at Coronet Peak, The Remarkables, Cardrona Alpine Resort, Snow Farm, Naseby and Dunedin from 21-30 August 2009 and will feature disciplines of alpine skiing, free skiing, x-country skiing, snowboarding, curling, ice skating and adaptive snow sports as well as the demonstration sports of winter triathlon and natural luge. For further information visit .