Intense freeski halfpipe competition at 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games

Saturday 29 August 2009, 2:57PM

By 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games



After the wild weather of previous days, conditions mellowed but tricks remained intense for the freeski halfpipe at 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games.

American skier Taylor Seaton took gold in the men’s competition with a score of 84.20 out of 100. Victory capped a successful NZ season for the Colorado resident following his second place in the Volkl NZ Freeski Open at the same venue nine days before.

The winner of that event, local favourite Jossi Wells, couldn’t repeat his success at Winter Games NZ and pulled out early into his first run. “It’s all part of the game,” he said, clearly disappointed not to put on a show for his home crowd. “I injured my knee in the slopestyle and knew after the first hit that it wasn’t going to hold up. Hopefully I can make it to the big air tomorrow.”

David Wise of the USA came second in the men’s event with 80.80 after nailing a double flare in his second run – one of the tricks of the day. This pushed Xavier Bertoni of France into third place by just 0.2 points. The reigning X-Games champion and current FIS world number two matched Wise’s back-to-back 9s but was just shaded out by the American’s style.

Lyndon Sheehan of Wanaka was the top Kiwi, flying into fifth place with a great first run. Jossi’s younger brothers Byron (17) and Beau-James – just 13 – finished 11th and 15th respectively. Olly Allan was 17th while Andy Bowie tied for last place with world number one Kevin Rolland from France who couldn’t land some huge tricks in the gusty conditions.

Taylor Seaton said this was his first win in a while, “The weather turned out good and this is definitely my best trip to New Zealand. Competing here means I can go home and start next season off real strong.”

In the women’s event, Swiss skier Mirjam Jaeger was a clear winner marking a successful return from injury. She scored 83.80, five points ahead of Rosalind Groenewoud. Fellow Canadian, Dania Assaly just edged FIS world number two Anais Caradeux from France out of the medals.

Mirjam Jaeger said, “I just feel great – what else is there to say? I’m super stoked right now. I love New Zealand. I’m definitely going to be back next year!”

Janina Kuzma was the highest placed New Zealand woman in 5th place, followed by Amy Sheehan (6th), Bridie-Anne Read (8th) and Hannah James (10th).

Head judge Phil Larose was impressed by the competition at Cardrona, “It went super well. Organisation here was really professional and the athletes felt very comfortable – as if they were competing at X-Games.

“Taylor pulled it all together today and ran really well from top to bottom. Despite the strong wind that held some competitors back he had great amplitude and wasn’t conservative.

“I’m really happy that the girls showed a lot of variety in their tricks today. We were looking for clean style, amplitude and a good choice of tricks. Mirjam showed she can ski clean and smooth and was an easy winner to pick.”

100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games concludes tomorrow (August 30) with the final day of figure skating at Dunedin plus a full day at Coronet Peak including men’s and women’s slalom, freeski and snowboard big air and the closing ceremony