Cafe and Restaurant Sector Continues Strong Recovery

Friday 12 February 2010, 3:25PM

By Steve Swann - Tourism Properties


New Zealand Cafe and Restaurant Retail Sales Trends
New Zealand Cafe and Restaurant Retail Sales Trends Credit: Steve Swann - Tourism Properties

The New Zealand Café and Restaurant sector continued its strong positive sales trend in the December 2009 quarter, ending up 7.9% on the same period in 2008.

According to figures released today by Statistic New Zealand, actual retail sales in Cafes and Restaurants were NZ$ 79 million greater for the months of October, November, and December in 2009 that in 2008. Sales for 2009 were NZ$ 1,084 million compared to NZ$ 1,005 in 2008.

Over all "Retail sales volumes have now risen for three consecutive quarters, but have still only regained a quarter of the ground lost since March 2007's high point," business statistics Manager Kathy Connolly said.

On these figures the Café and Restaurant sector proved to be one of the best performing sectors over the last quarter and for 2009 in general.

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