Mayor's challenge to cyclists

Saturday 13 February 2010, 10:27AM

By Taupo District Council


Rick Cooper at Heartbreaker Ride
Rick Cooper at Heartbreaker Ride Credit: Taupo District Council


As part of national Bike Wise month, Mayor Rick Cooper is challenging all cyclists to meet him at the Great Lake Centre on Wednesday morning at 7am for a free breakfast and ride around the domain.

The Mayoral Cycle Challenge will be happening in many towns and cities all over the country during Bike Wise month. Mayor Rick Cooper wants everyone in Taupo with a bike to come down and take part. “Last year we beat Auckland on a per capita basis, and I want to do it again this year. Let’s show them who the real ‘Super City’ is.”

The Mayoral Cycle Challenge on Wednesday 17 February kicks off at 7am at the Great lake Centre with breakfast, followed by a group bike ride around a 1.5km circuit of the GLC and domain, finishing with a prize giving at the GLC. Prizes will be awarded for best dressed bike, person, and helmet, and prizes include an Avanti bike and helmet, and other cycling items.

Road Safety Coordinator Christine Hutchison says last Wednesday’s Family Fun Ride at the Events Centre was great fun. “It was fabulous to see cyclists of all ages and abilities celebrating a love for cycling. It’s a great activity for families to do together.”

Wednesday is also ‘Go by Bike Day’, so cyclists will be encouraged to carry on pedalling all the way to work. And the Bike Wise week ‘spotters’ will still be out spotting unsuspecting cyclists and handing out prizes every week. “So stay on your bikes!” says Ms Hutchison.