Work almost complete on Flat Bush stage two draft masterplan

Tuesday 9 March 2010, 2:32PM

By Manukau City Council



Work on a draft masterplan for stage two of Flat Bush is almost complete.

Amongst the detailed work now being done is the development of a street pattern for the area that includes a mix of streets along the edges of the green finger park network and a traditional grid street pattern.

The draft masterplan will be available for public feedback in mid-April. People can get updates on Flat Bush by emailing to sign up to an email newsletter or become a fan of Manukau City Council on Facebook.

It will cover approximately 440 hectares of Flat Bush, covering an area south of Flat Bush School Road and east of Murphys Road, as well as vacant land around Barry Curtis Park. The plans will build upon the original Flat Bush Structure Plan.

The stage two plans do not include the Flat Bush town centre. Tomorrow's Manukau Properties Limited (TMPL), a council company, owns the town centre land and is responsible for developing it.

Manukau City Council Urban Design Principal Specialist Bruce Harland says getting street patterns for towns and neighbourhoods right is essential.

“Once streets are laid out they can be there for hundreds, or even thousands of years. That means they need to allow flexibility for different types of development over a long period of time.

“For the second stage of Flat Bush we’re looking at park edge roads along the green finger areas. They would create the opportunity for bigger park areas to be developed around the green fingers and allow houses to look out onto them.

“In most areas a grid street pattern with rectangular property lots is being proposed. This would mean that over a long period of time, if necessary, a property could change from having a detached house with a big backyard on it to townhouses or apartments.

“The proposed shape of properties also means backyards can be bigger and provide more privacy.

“Straight streets also provide better views and would reveal the special qualities of the Flat Bush landscape. For example people would be able to see a park at the end of the street, rather than just houses.

“A grid street pattern helps make it easier to get around because people have a clear sense of where they are and where they are going, along with more options for getting somewhere,” Mr Harland says.

The draft masterplan will also show how streets could be designed and examples of different types of housing.

The aim of the masterplan is to help get the basics right before development begins so Flat Bush works well for the people living there.

Following public feedback the masterplan will be completed and used for guiding a district plan change.