Top cop gets name suppression

Tuesday 25 May 2010, 6:00AM

By John Creser


Cop with big stick
Cop with big stick Credit: NZIIP

The son of former Wellington police chief Pieri Munro, was probably too scared to tell the truth after allegedly being punched in the head by his father in down­town Welling­ton, a court was told today.

Mr Munro, whose name and occu­pa­tion was  sup­pressed by the District Court despite the arrest  being reported in the  Dom Post and Otago Daily Times last year, pleaded not guilty to one charge of assault on a fam­ily mem­ber..

At Welling­ton Dis­trict Court today, defence lawyer Mike Antunovic said the man had not punched his son but rather had attempted to remove a bag slung over the boy’s shoul­der while in the back seat of a parked car.

Mr Munro found his son  in Manners Mall  and dragged him back to the car, where witnesses said he punched the teenager several times in the head.