Trimmed bushes set to attract crowds in Kapiti

Wednesday 6 October 2010, 9:36AM

By Bayleys


Garden exhibitor Beth Jewell, left, prunes her displays in preparation for the garden tour with help from event organiser Debbie Laing.
Garden exhibitor Beth Jewell, left, prunes her displays in preparation for the garden tour with help from event organiser Debbie Laing. Credit: Bayleys


Kapiti Coast gardeners are pruning their most beautiful flowers and shearing the hedgerows in preparation for an environmentally-friendly charity event to raise funds for a much needed generator for Civil Defence and the district’s loved community hall.

Some 13 affectionately-tended gardens will be on display to the public on October 30 as part of the 2010 Bayleys Country Garden Tour – with all proceeds going towards Civil Defence and the Te Horo hall.

Tickets to the 2010 Bayleys County Garden Tour cost $10 – with the gardens open for viewing from 9am to 5pm. The event has been sponsored by leading real estate agency Bayleys.

This is the second time Bayleys has staged the bi-annual event, the first being in 2008, which visitors described as a “roaring success”.

Event coordinator Debbie Laing said: “Energetic gardeners have been building up to this garden show for months – their gardens are beautiful, and now they have a chance to show them off to the public.”

“Most of these magnificent gardens are in private residences, so the tour will be one of the only times members of the public are allowed access to some of the most beautiful floral, shrub and tree displays on the Coast,” she added.

“For city dwellers, this is a chance to see gardens on a grand scale some even nestled between huge totara trees and working nursery Te Horo Ornamentals will be demonstrating how to prune winter shrubs.”

All money earned from the 2010 Bayleys Te Horo Garden Tour will be channelled into buying a much needed generator for the Civil Defence team in the district.
Civil Defence is based at the Te Horo hall and the money raised will also benefit the hall – a venue that was going to be demolished until the community stepped in to save it and have it restored.

“Te Horo hall is so important to the community, and is used daily by different groups. It’s also the place our district’s Civil Defence operates out of and they need as much help as they can get,” Ms Laing said.

Ms Laing is hoping to top 2008’s ticket sales and sell at least 1000 tickets. Tickets are available through Kapiti Information Centres, selected garden centres on the Kapiti Coast, Bayleys Real Estate offices in Wellington or by contacting Debbie Laing.