Rare screening of British cult classic

Thursday 14 October 2010, 11:31AM

By 2Brothers Films


WITHNAIL AND I Credit: 2Brothers Films



Q&A Oliver Driver chats to star Paul McGann

One of the most memorable films of the 80s returns for a special one-off presentation and Q&A with lead actor Paul McGann. Bruce Robinson's hilariously acerbic & touching semi-autobiographical film WITHNAIL AND I, will screen on Friday October 22nd at Sky City Theatre.

Following the screening, NZ's answer to WITHNAIL, Mr Oliver Driver will be joined by lead actor Paul McGann for an informal discussion about the making of this legendary cult classic.

Paul McGann was born in Liverpool in 1959 into a Roman Catholic family. He was the second of the five children of Claire McGann (the others are Joe, Mark, Stephen, and Clare). After attending grammar school in Liverpool, he entered the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. McGann has been in countless television shows (Hornblower, Dr Who, Jonathan Creek) to features (Alien 3, Empire of the Sun)

Withnail (Richard E. Grant) and 'I' (Paul McGann) are two resting actors, scraping a living at the fag-end of the 60s, holed up in a rat-infested London flat that looks like it last saw a duster sometime in 1749. In desperate need of a change of scene, they persuade Withnail's gay uncle, Monty (Richard Griffiths), to lend them his remote farmhouse. But the city boys are hardly equipped for country living.

Paul McGann Quotes

• "I don't want to be remembered as the George Lazenby of Doctor Who"

• "Careers are they are, they don't make any sense at all when you look back"

Venue : Sky City Theatre

Date : Friday Oct 22

Time : 7.30 Sharp

Tickets : Ticketek & Sky City Theatre Boxoffice