Waiuku Forest to reopen on Saturday

Thursday 27 January 2011, 8:20AM

By Waikato District Council



The Waiuku Forest will reopen to the public on Saturday 29 January 2011, after being temporarily closed to the public following a large wild fire on New Years day.

Waikato Principal Rural Fire Officer Andy Baker said forest workers had monitored the forest on a daily basis since 1 January, and while they are confident it is safe to reopen the forest, the specific area where the fire occurred will remain closed to the public for safety reasons.

“The public are advised to stay clear of the north west corner where the fire previously occurred. Walkers, runners and horse riders who normally access this area through forest tracks should remain using the central and southern parts of the forest.

“Signs will be placed at strategic boundary points within the forest advising people to stay out of the north west corner.

“If any smoke is detected in the forest, please report this to the Fire Department by calling 111,” Mr Baker said.