Water Supply Ground Water Investigation

Wednesday 20 April 2011, 4:28PM

By Whakatane District Council


New Zealand's Water Cycle
New Zealand's Water Cycle Credit: Te Ara


The Whakatane/Ohope water supply is abstracted from the Whakatane River at the Water Treatment Plant in Te Tahi Street. Over the past few summers there have been taste complaints over the salinity of the water.

The salinity has been a problem for periods of up to a week during dry weather when a low river level coincides with a high tide and saline water reaches the intake at the Water Treatment Plant. This is not a health concern but there were a large number of complaints and it did have a negative impact on some businesses (such as cafes).

The Council is to conduct pilot well drilling in the Whakatane west area to test the feasibility of a groundwater water supply option for the Whakatane/Ohope water supply scheme; this would provide a secondary source of water-especially for times when the water can become salinated.

300m test wells of a 150-200mm diameter are to be drilled in identified locations in the Whakatane west area. Tenders have been received from three qualified contractors and Council is in the process of reviewing these tenders before selecting the most appropriate contractor.