NZ On Air releases its Statement of Intent

Tuesday 24 May 2011, 10:38AM

By NZ On Air


NZ On Air’s new Statement of Intent promises an exciting year ahead. The broadcast funding agency ensures audiences are provided with a broad range of New Zealand content and public broadcasting services. NZ On Air will invest more than $131 million over the year starting 1st July.

A big focus for NZ On Air will be the implementation of the new music funding scheme. Making Tracks will support a wider variety of music for diverse broadcasting and online outlets. This year NZ On Air will also be reviewing its digital strategy, and the outcomes of the television Platinum Fund. The agency is also assuming the responsibility for funding the national Pacific Island radio network Niu FM, alongside 531 PI. NZ On Air will be maintaining its strong funding commitment to Radio New Zealand and 12 access radio stations around the country.

In a tough economic climate NZ On Air maintains a small staff and low funding administration costs so the maximum amount can be invested into quality local content. While the main focus is on the range and quality of programmes provided for diverse audiences, NZ On Air’s work also leads to job creation and skill development in a sector that contributes more than a billion dollars to the New Zealand economy.

Read the Statement of Intent here.