Pirongia student one step closer to career in animal care

Wednesday 1 June 2011, 3:57PM

By Four Winds Communications


Rachel Fraser
Rachel Fraser Credit: Four Winds Communications


Forget the car, the boat and the holiday home offered by Big Wednesday. A Pirongia student, who’s just won a $2,500 scholarship from industry association Agcarm, has more down-to-earth aspirations.

Rachel Fraser (20) will spend her winnings on a more practical investment - some wet weather gear for calving.

“Being a student is a costly business,” said Rachel. “I’m very grateful to Agcarm for this scholarship funding which I’ll put towards some very good causes. I need some new wet weather gear and calving equipment for my practical learning sessions which start in July.”

Rachel will always call Pirongia home but is currently residing in Palmerston North where she is halfway through her five-year Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree at Massey University.

“I’ve wanted to be a vet since I was eight years old. I grew up on a farm and my partner’s a 50/50 share milker - he introduced me to the dairy industry,” she said.

Rachel would like to specialise in large animal veterinary care.

“Working outdoors within the fast moving dairy industry would be a dream come true.

“Becoming a veterinarian means I get to work outside with my hands for both people and animals – what more could you want in a job?”

When Rachel doesn’t have her head in a textbook she can be seen participating in triathlons.

“I’ve recently taken up triathlons in which I compete every couple of weeks – it’s a great stress relief from studying.”

Agcarm chief executive, Graeme Peters, said the association is pleased to contribute toward the future of such a high calibre student.

“Rachel had an outstanding application. We were very impressed with the passion she showed for her area of study,” Mr Peters said.

Agcarm is an industry association of companies which manufacture, distribute and sell products that keep animals healthy and crops thriving.

Industry initiatives led by Agcarm include providing safe and sustainable animal health and crop protection technology for the future of New Zealand, and educating the community about the industry’s contribution.