Tauranga Police are currently investigating a home invasion which occurred early this morning

Tuesday 28 June 2011, 11:41AM

By New Zealand Police



Tauranga Police are currently investigating a home invasion which occurred early this morning.
At around 3.12 this morning the occupants of a McClymont Place address were awoken by being assaulted. They were struck with a blunt type of weapon possibly a crowbar.
The intruder demanded cash from the victims however after they told him they didn't have any the intruder ran off. The incident over in a very short period of time.
The intruder ran from the address and it appear that he may have run from the victims address down McClymont Place, through 20th Avenue and directly through the park which leads onto 19th Avenue.

The intruder is described as male, possibly Maori, 18 - 25 years, 6 foot tall with medium to large build. Wearing a light coloured hooded coat which was mid thigh in length.
The male victim is aged 54 years and his injuries consist of a fracture to his head and a brain bleed. He is currently being treated at Waikato Hospital and his condition is stable.

The female victim is aged 32 years and she has received a laceration to the head and is being treated at Tauranga Hospital.

Police are urging anyone who may have witnessed a person running form the address or saw any vehicles leaving 19th Avenue around the time of the incident to come forward with information. Information can be given to the Tauranga Police 07 5774300 or anonymously bay calling Crimestoppers, 0800 555 111.

A scene examination is still being conducted and hopefully will be completed by midday.