Nature sends preparedness reminders

Thursday 14 July 2011, 4:18PM

By Taranaki Regional Council



Winter storms are reminders of the need to be prepared for emergencies large or small, says Taranaki Civil Defence.

“We’ve seen how stormy weather can disrupt power supply and transport links,” says David Leask, an Alternate Controller for the Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency Management Group.

“We’re urging Taranaki people to think how they’d look after themselves and their loved ones if essential services are suddenly unavailable – be it in a localised event or large-scale disaster. Check your emergency kits and getaway kits, and to talk to your household about what everyone would do if disaster struck."

Get the family together and decide:

  • Where you will meet in the event of a natural or man-made disaster - bearing in mind it may occur while family members are dispersed at school, work or play.
  • How you will get in touch with each other.
  • Who is responsible for household emergency and getaway kits.

A household emergency kit should include:

  • Torch and spare batteries.
  • Radio and spare batteries.
  • Three days’ supply of emergency water (3 litres per person per day).
  • Three days’ supply of emergency food.
  • Portable cooker or barbecue.
  • First aid kit and essential medicines.
  • Spare clothes and blankets or sleeping bags
  • Toilet paper and rubbish bags for an emergency toilet
  • Pet supplies
  • Dust masks.

In case evacuation is needed, the household getaway kit should include:

  • Blankets or sleeping bags.
  • Towels and toiletries.
  • Children's needs.
  • Change of clothing.
  • Family documents (Birth and marriage certificates, insurance policies, passports and other documents).
  • Copies of important family photographs.
  • Cash.
  • Pets and pet supplies.

“It doesn't take too much effort to get kits and plans sorted, and you'll be glad you took the time if and when a disaster does occur,” says Mr Leask.

For more information, go to