Max and Bella top of the pups

Monday 1 August 2011, 9:07AM

By Auckland Council



Aucklanders are sticking with tradition when it come comes to naming their dogs with Bella or Belle (786) and Max (750) leading in the popularity stakes according to Auckland Council dog registration records.

Following close behind as the most popular are Max, Mollie, Jess (and Jessie), Jack, Charlie, Oscar, Rocky and Toby.

Sports fans have taken their devotion to the new heights with Jonah Lomu, Brendan McCullam and Carlos Spencer having canine namesakes, while those who enjoy a tipple have chosen liquor inspired names such as whiskey, Jim Beam and Guinness.

Some of the more interesting monikers include ‘e-mail’ and ‘’, living in the same house.

Dog owners are reminded they only have until 1 August to pay dog registrations for the 2011/12 year to receive a discount. After that the standard fee and penalties will apply.

Auckland has around 99,612 known dogs, which for the first time, will be registered with just one council.

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