Tips To Choosing The Right Staff Lockers

Monday 22 August 2011, 5:10PM

By Capital Commercial Furniture Ltd


Businesses and schools share a common need to provide staff lockers for employees and school lockers for students. These can come in a wide range of styles and sizes. This is why there are several factors to consider when trying to choose the right type and size to install.

The number of people expected to need access to a locker at any given time is one key element. This factor is coupled with the available space for installation and whether or not there is any need for limited privacy when using the locker to determine the type needed. For instance, schools usually have only a limited amount of space, but no need to ensure privacy. Therefore, a locker bank is generally placed in the hallways.

The number needed will affect the decision of the size to purchase. Where more individual lockers are needed with limited space, the obvious choice is to order them smaller. This can mean ordering three or four tiers of smaller boxlike ones to occupy the same space that one single locker could occupy in another situation.

The level of privacy needed, such as for changing clothes for sports or gym activities, can mean that one must build a separate locker room. Here, the size can be larger because fewer people will need access at any one time.

Some businesses also offer access to a locker as a courtesy to customers. Bus stations, train stations, community centers that offer exercise equipment and/or swimming pools, and other similar facilities usually feature a limited number where customers may store valuables and personal belongings while participating in the activities offered. Size is a direct function of the number being offered and the space where they will be placed.

When shopping for lockers, the three most important features to consider are the available space, the number needed, and whether or not people should expect some level of privacy while accessing their locker.