No alcohol sold to underage in West Coast controlled purchase operation

Thursday 24 November 2011, 3:54PM

By New Zealand Police



The Police and Community and Public Health have recently conducted Controlled Purchase Operations in Greymouth and Hokitika bottlestores. We are pleased to say that none of our underage volunteers were sold alcohol” says Carol McIntosh from C&PH. That’s a great result but unfortunately young people are getting hold of alcohol and usually it is bought for them by either their friends or their parents.

We all know about the dangers of alcohol and young people. Because of the risks the Australian National Health & Research Medical Council recommends that young people under 15 do not drink any alcohol at all and that 15 – 17yr olds delay having their first drink for as long as possible. They also recommend that if 15 – 17yr olds do choose to drink they should be in a safe environment, supervised by adults and drink no more than 4 standard drinks.

Parental supervision is key says Ms McIntosh. “When a young person is supplied alcohol by a friend they tend to drink much more than if their parents supply it under supervision. The research shows that if parents are the source of supply then young people tend to drink only one or 2 drinks but if friends supply it they drink 3 or 4 times as much.

Once school finishes for the year Police tend to see more young people out on the streets at night. On occasions when we have to contact parents they can be surprised to learn just where their children have been says Sgt Sean Judd Alcohol Harm Reduction Officer.

Parents play an important role in their children’s attitude towards and use of alcohol. If they provide fair and consistent guidelines and set a good example themselves as well as getting involved in their kids’ lives, meeting their friends and talking to their parents that lessens the risk of their young person injuring themselves or getting into trouble.

We will continue to carry out these Controlled Purchase Operations in both bottlestores and bars over the summer but we also ask that every adult thinks before buying alcohol for under 18s so that together we can keep our young people safe.