Urenui Headland a No-Go Zone

Wednesday 18 January 2012, 6:23PM

By New Plymouth District Council



A near-miss at the eroding Urenui headland has renewed warnings for people to stay away from the cliffs.

This week, children exploring a growing cave in the headland’s cliff had just exited the gap when a large chunk of soil fell down.

“It was a close call, and the children could have been badly hurt,” says Manager Parks Programmes Steve McGill.

“The cave is getting larger due to erosion, and soil is going to keep falling. There are tonnes of earth there that will collapse at some point and if anyone is beneath it they may not survive.

“Both adults and children need to stay away from the headland for their own safety.”

Warning signs were installed at the campground more than a year ago when the cave began to form.

Mr McGill urges the public to stay on the campground side of the river.