New Zealand craft and object art featuring in European showcase

Thursday 9 February 2012, 3:31PM

By Creative New Zealand


Rose Hydreangea Centrepiece, 2011. Brooch. Cardboard, sterling silver, paint, tape, copper, stainless steel.
Rose Hydreangea Centrepiece, 2011. Brooch. Cardboard, sterling silver, paint, tape, copper, stainless steel. Credit: Sunni Gibson, one of three New Zealand artists exhibiting at Talente 2012

Talented young New Zealand jewellers and a textile artist are saying ‘auf wiedersehen’ to Aotearoa as they prepare to showcase their work at Talentè in Germany next month.

Talentè is one of Europe’s most prestigious showcases for emerging talent in design, including craft and object art, and technology. Held in Munich, Talentè is an opportunity for young artists to launch their careers on the European market. Now in its 31st year, Talentè is part of the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades.

In 2012 Creative New Zealand is supporting a group of seven to attend Talentè. Jewellers Sunni Gibson (Wellington) and Lynsay Raine (Auckland), together with textile artist Rebekah Harman (Christchurch) will showcase their artwork. Collectively the body of work will include brooches, rings and quilts, made from cardboard, silver and silk.

Three arts practitioners will also attend Talentè as part of the New Zealand delegation. Christchurch gallerist Caroline Billing and Wellington educators, and curators Peter Deckers and Karl Fritsch will have the opportunity to develop their curatorial experience, gain first-hand experience of the European market, and explore exchange and exhibition possibilities.

“Talentè is a powerful opportunity for this group,” said Stephen Wainwright, Chief Executive of Creative New Zealand.

“Experience in the European market will strengthen their ability to work around the world, as well as expand the international audience for New Zealand craft and object art.”

Contemporary jeweller and senior lecturer in jewellery at Manukau Institute of Technology Fran Allison, will accompany the artists and act as mentor while in Germany. Ms Allison has previously mentored New Zealand artists at Talentè.

This is the fourth year Creative New Zealand has supported New Zealand artists to participate in Talentè. In 2011 artists included Anzac Tasker, whose typographic design was one of the first pieces to sell at Talentè; and Rachel Bell and Flora Sekanova’s whose work was purchased by a Netherlands museum for inclusion in its permanent collection.

Craft and object art includes ceramics, jewellery, glass, textiles, metal, woodwork and studio-based design.

An exhibition of New Zealand work showcased at Talentè last year will feature at Auckland gallery Objectspace in March.

Talentè runs from 14-20 March 2012.