High demand for volunteers as bank Closes For Good

Wednesday 28 March 2012, 10:55AM



More than 770 community organisations nationwide have put their hands up for help during BNZ’s Closed for Good day.

In what has become New Zealand’s biggest day of corporate volunteering, Closed for Good sees BNZ stores and offices around New Zealand close their doors for one day so that staff may help community and not-for-profit groups with projects that support the wider community.

“We’re heartened by the number of submissions we’ve received this year, with some very worthy causes and initiatives throughout New Zealand’s communities. Now we’re calling for members of the public to join us, and help make this the biggest and best Closed for Good yet,” says BNZ CEO Andrew Thorburn.

Now bigger than ever, communities will be putting BNZ staff through their paces as projects include the likes of Project Jonah, where BNZers will be fundraising and educating the public on the charity that provides around the clock emergency aid to stranded whales.

BNZ staff will also be helping Lynton Downs School with painting their playground, as well as training employees of Multicultural Services Centre in Wellington on spreadsheets and word processing.

Last year more than 2,900 BNZ staff helped out across New Zealand on over 430 different community projects.

Projects will be undertaken all around the country, with volunteers able to register to help by visiting

Project submissions have now closed, but volunteers are encouraged to register before April 8.