Kiwa Media Group join business delegation to China

Thursday 31 May 2012, 4:10PM

By Pita Sharples


Cutting edge media company Kiwa Media Group will be represented in a business delegation to China this month that will be led by Māori Affairs Minister Dr Pita Sharples.

“Kiwa Media was New Zealand’s winner and entrant in last year’s World Summit Awards in the e-Education section and was singled out by British media as producing one of the best iPad book Apps,” said Dr Sharples.

“Asia’s Dragon economies are fast becoming the centre of gravity of our global economy with China at the helm.  Leaders from our Māori ‘Taniwha economy’ are heading to China to strengthen existing cultural and economic relationships.”

Developing iPhone/iPod Touch & iPad Apps, digital content for books, producing film & television programs and digital content for the mobile music industry, award-winning Kiwa Media also provides software solutions.  The company brands include QBook, SingQ, VoiceQ, Kiwa TV Production.  Kiwa is a registered Mac OS and iPhone developer.  Kiwa Media has launched digital books for the household and education markets in Chinese, including: Milly and Molly and the Bike Ride and Zoo You Later – Monkey Business.

Dr Sharples says the phenomenal growth of the Asian and Chinese economies is something the Māori economy can relate and aspire to.  Estimated by BERL to be worth $38 billion in 2010, maximising the Māori economy’s export and innovation potential will be crucial to its future success.

“We have no choice but to do what it takes to boost revenue and exports to support businesses, communities and families across our country.  At this month’s FOMA Science and Innovation symposium BERL’s Chief Economist Ganesh Nana told Māori asset holders that we must ‘export or die’: we choose export.”

The business delegation is part of an ongoing strategy supported by Te Puni Kōkiri to strengthen trade relationships with China.  The delegation is made up of representatives from a wide range of sectors including fishing, forestry, agribusiness, education, food and beverage, investment and banking.

“Some of our largest Māori-owned farms, iconic tourism ventures and other innovative businesses are joining us – at no small expense to themselves,” said Dr Sharples.

Kiwa Media Group director Dr Xiaoying Fu was named as a member of the business delegation by Dr Sharples this week.