Donations Coming In Steadily From New Zealand And Around The World To Help Save Mila

Thursday 14 June 2012, 8:26AM

By Franklin Zoo Charitable Trust


Mila Credit: Franklin Zoo Charitable Trust


People from New Zealand, Australia, United States and United Kingdom Have Proved Their Generosity and Compassion.

Since the announcement of Mila’s uncertain fate, people from not only New Zealand but around the world have dug deep in their pockets and raised over $55,000 in just 10 days towards securing her future. Donations are continuing to flow in steadily and fundraising efforts are taking place around the country.

On Sunday June 10th, it was agreed Franklin Zoo Charitable Trust were able to continue to care for Mila as long as donations towards her care and preparation for her travel to her new home keep coming.

“The money we have raised so far will enable us to care for Mila in the short term, but we still need more funds to be able to prepare Mila for travel.” explains Jenny Chung, sister of Dr Helen Schofield who was fatally injured by Mila in April.

“We will do everything we can to care for her and get her to a new home where she can live out her years with other elephants.”

Franklin Zoo Charitable Trust still needs to raise $870,000 to prepare Mila for her move. This is to pay for an accredited zoo operator, specialist elephant staff, training and medical care for Mila and will also provide the expertise to care for all the animals at the sanctuary.

“Mila needs accredited specialists who can take care of her health needs, build her confidence, and provide training to get her to a point where she is able to travel.” says Chung.

“New Zealand businesses have been incredibly generous donating things such as sand for Mila’s enclosure, fines for Mila’s walking tracks, food for Mila and the other animals, as well as supplies like drainage pipes, loans of plant and machinery equipment, offers to repair roads to transport Mila, labour, the list goes on. We have even received offers to help transport Mila to her new home. All of this reduces the overall cost for Mila’s care and re-homing.”

The zoo is currently relying 100% on donations.

“We sincerely thank all those who have donated already. We welcome any offers of financial assistance and hope that people can find it in their hearts to help Mila. We owe it not only to Mila, but to Helen who dedicated her own life to give all the animals at her sanctuary the best life possible.”

Donations can be made online at