Victoria professor wins teaching award

Thursday 19 July 2012, 2:13PM

By Victoria University


Dr Ocean Mercier has been recognised as one of New Zealand's top teachers.

Dr Mercier won a 2012 Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Excellence award for sustained excellence in a Kaupapa Maori context.

A passionate teacher, the Te Kawa a Maui (School of Maori Studies) lecturer was praised for her calm and effective style and inclusive approach to teaching.

Maori Studies Head of School, Associate Professor Peter Adds is delighted that Dr Mercier received the award. “This award confirms what we in Maori Studies have known for some time—that Ocean is a top academic in many areas—but especially in teaching.

"She has a unique style that Maori students in particular really respond to. She is somehow able to generate real interest and enthusiasm amongst her students in the most relaxed yet authoritative way. She is a great role-model for both students and staff."

She was presented with her award by the Minister of Tertiary Education, the Hon Steven Joyce, at a Parliamentary event on Tuesday 17 July.

The Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards celebrate New Zealand’s finest tertiary teachers and are administered by Ako Aotearoa—the National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence.