Camellias Bloom In The Chill of Winter

Thursday 26 July 2012, 1:45PM

By Marlborough District Council


Flower Girl, a variety of Camellias
Flower Girl, a variety of Camellias Credit: Marlborough District Council


Early flowering camellias are blossoming at Pollard Park - like this variety, Flower Girl – one of more than 90 different specimens on display at the gardens.

In the coming weeks the camellias will be in full flower with the colour of the nearby rhododendron beds emerging by the end of August.

The camellias and rhododendrons are amongst the popular features of the six hectares of gardens at Pollard Park where a team of nine tend the grounds.

Camellias like acid soils and generally do well in Marlborough although soils do vary across the region so a Ph test, using a test kit from a garden centre, should indicate whether the soil is suitable. However our gardeners advise that plants should not be fed until after flowering or the flower buds will tend to burn and fall off before opening.

The Council’s gardeners have a wealth of horticultural expertise between them and are always happy to share their knowledge with anyone who stops to ask a question.