BUSINESS gets new design

Thursday 6 September 2012, 2:20AM


1091 views redesigned redesigned Credit: Marcus Lindberg has recently been given a facelift and the new design is the result of nearly a year's work of developement and designing.

- Our goal has been to give PriceSpy a more modern and clean appearance to make the site easier to navigate for new aswell as our long term users says Marcus Liedholm, who has worked together with Marcus Lindberg on the new design.

- There has been many new icons and elements to update, at the same time it has been important to us to ensure that our advanced users recognise themselves on the site and are able to find the features they like. In connection with the work on PriceSpy's new appearance, we've been working on responsive design, to make the site adapt to the user's screen size. This feature is yet to be implemented.

- We've still got some work to do, but we're getting there, says Lindberg, and we've made PriceSpy easier to use with touch screen technology when being used on a tablet or Ipad, an area where the old version didn't function too well.

- Increasing the performance has been very important to us. In connection with this we have also started to implement the use of a so called CDN (content delivery network), which stores larger files, for example images, on servers all over the country enabling faster loading of pages, concludes Marcus Liedholm.

What's new on PriceSpy:

  • Standardised design, centralised on screen
  • Redesigned filter function with real time updates
  • Redesigned menu and header
  • Updated icons
  • HTML5 adaption
  • Revised like/share function, now also with Pinterest- collected under one button by each product
  • Product comparison easier to use
  • CDN (content delivery network) implementation for faster page loading