Plans underway for 25th anniversary Hokonui Fashion Design Awards

Tuesday 2 October 2012, 3:45PM

By Southern Public Relations


Avant Garde & Overall Award Winner, Charlotte Bishop of Tauranga
Avant Garde & Overall Award Winner, Charlotte Bishop of Tauranga Credit: Southern Public Relations


Plans are already well underway for the 25th Hokonui Fashion Design Awards in Gore.

Organisers have announced that the 25th anniversary celebration will once again be held at the Gore Town and Country Club, with the ‘Strictly Design’ show on Friday 26th July and the ‘Gala Awards’ on Saturday 27th July 2013.

Awards Executive Producer Heather Paterson said reaching the milestone 25th anniversary was a significant achievement, with a number of changes planned to celebrate the occasion.

“Putting on a quality event is paramount to the Awards success, and each year we implement changes to keep the event moving forward,” she said.

“The 2012 Awards were an outstanding success and the feedback we’ve had has been very positive.

“So even though times are still tight economically, we’re confident we can still continue to grow the Hokonuis again in 2013 and are looking at ways of increasing income while keeping costs down.

“Unfortunately we’re a victim of our own success. As the Awards grow, so do the costs of running the event.”

Ms Paterson said without the support of loyal sponsors and the efforts of a loyal team of volunteers, the Awards could simply not continue.

“Attracting new sponsors while retaining existing sponsorship relationships is a demanding task in today’s environment, however the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards profile is now at a level that sponsors see real merit in being involved,” she said.

Mr Paterson said the Awards offered Gore and Southland businesses the opportunity to become involved and gain exposure throughout New Zealand.

“Local support has always been good, but given the national recognition the Awards now command, I think there’s still some who don’t realise the opportunities for promotion that association with the Hokonuis can give,” she said.

“Internet coverage plus social network feeds such as Facebook and Twitter, along with nationwide screening of the Awards on the Sky digital network offer huge exposure for those involved.

“Our sponsorship policy has evolved over the past two years and there are now numerous options and levels of sponsorship for those wishing to become involved, so we’d love to talk to anyone who’d like to know more.”

More information about the awards is available on