Safety fence to be erected around Albert Hotel site

Wednesday 19 December 2012, 3:19PM

By Hastings District Council



Contractors for the Hastings District Council have begun erecting a 2.7 metre high safety fence around the site of the former Albert Hotel.

The hotel is located on the corner of Heretaunga Street and Karamu Road and is subject to a dangerous building notice which was placed on the structure in February 2010. Last month the site was purchased by local developer Michael Whittaker, who has announced plans to redevelop the former hotel into food outlets and outdoor dining. The Albert Hotel is currently listed as a heritage site with the Historic Places Trust.

Group Manager Planning and Regulatory John O’Shaughnessy says “The building has been showing a greater level of deterioration over the past few months and recently there has been some signs of vandalism.”

“With the school holidays beginning, Council is concerned that the building could become a magnet for children and it is important that we take steps to secure the property. The Building Act (section 27) allows Council to erect the fence as we believe there is likely to be an immediate danger to the safety of the public due to the state of the building.”

Mr O’Shaughnessy says “Mr Whittaker takes possession of the site in late January and then it will become his responsibility for ensuring there is sufficient deterrent for children and others from entering the building.”

CCTV monitoring of the site will also increase in a further attempt to deter anyone from entering the building.

Construction of the temporary fence began this morning, Wednesday 19th December.