Navigation Safety Warning

Tuesday 15 January 2013, 3:02PM

By Tasman District Council



A heavy rain warning issued by Metservice for the majority of Tasman District remains in effect until this afternoon. 35 knot northerly winds with accompanying swell up to 2m are forecast for sea area Abel today, with southwest winds of 25 knots to follow.


Storm surge and high river levels in conjunction with spring high tides may result in inundation of low-lying coastal areas, and mobilisation of floating debris.

The southwest winds combined with strong tidal flows are likely to result in conditions unsuitable for paddlecraft, particularly along the Abel Tasman coast.

The southwest breeze is also likely to carry debris away from beaches, resulting in a high probability of a floating debris hazard in Tasman and Golden Bays for at least a week.

Heavy rain overnight may have entered the hulls of some moored and berthed vessels. The reduced freeboard and extra weight combined with spring high tides may result in increased risk of sinking or mooring failures if this water is not pumped out.
High tide is forecast for Port Nelson as follows:

  • 15 January: 1307 hours NZDT (4.4m)
  • 16 January: 0139 hours (4.1m) and 1348 hours (4.2m)



(a) Vessel operators and owners of coastal structures such as jetties and moorings, particularly those subject to fluctuating water levels due to rainfall, are advised to check for accumulating debris and adequacy and security of ground tackle and lines. Loose equipment and vessels in low-lying foreshore areas should be secured to prevent wash-away. Bilges and pumps should be checked.

(b) Users of high-speed and small craft are cautioned against navigating at speed at night, and it is recommended that a particularly sharp watch for semi-submerged logs, animal carcasses and other flotsam be kept on all vessels in the area over the next two weeks.

(c) Users of inland waterways are advised to avoid navigating on, or swimming in, rivers until flows and colour return to near normal levels. See or call 03 543 8555 for river flow information. Watch for floating debris, changed channels and new obstructions.

Issued 0930 hours NZDT, Tuesday 15 January 2013, by the Tasman District Council Harbourmaster.