Nutritional advice at Te Ahu Centre

Monday 21 January 2013, 2:49PM

By Far North District Council



Free nutritional advice will be on offer at Te Ahu Centre in Kaitaia next Thursday.

Registered clinical nutritionist and personal trainer Lonneke Botello will be at Te Ahu’s atrium from 10am to 2pm on 24 January.

She will be the first specialist to offer free advice from a monthly help desk Far North District Council library staff have launched to provide the community with access to specialist knowledge.

Lonneke’s qualifications include a Diploma in Nutrition, a Certificate in Sports Training and Development and a Bach Flowers Certificate.

She offers nutritional, dietary and lifestyle advice tailored to clients and is able to advise them on a range of health issues including low energy and vitality, weight loss, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, skin problems, sports nutrition and bone and joint health.

Visitors to the Help Desk will be seen on a first-come-first-served basis although Lonneke will book appointments on the day if demand is high.

Other specialists who have volunteered their time to offer advice at the help desk include an accountant, massage therapist and a yoga therapist.

Interested professionals who wish to become help desk volunteers later in the year should contact John Haines at the Kaitaia Library on 09 408 9455 to book a time