Explore rata, rimu and Rivendell at Regional Park

Tuesday 22 January 2013, 3:01PM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



You don’t need to book – just turn up to a free, guided walk on Saturday 26 January at Kaitoke Regional Park, home of Rivendell, a rainforest, and a host of engineering marvels.

Explore Kaitoke Regional Park promises to be a fascinating experience for participants, says the Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Kaitoke Ranger, Steve Edwards, who’ll be leading the walk.

"We’ll begin the walk by taking you to the newly revamped Rivendell site where scenes from the Lord of the Rings were filmed. Then we’ll explore the park’s magnificent rainforest, with towering rata, rimu and tawa. I’ll also talk about how heavy rainfall and the filtering effect of the forest is helping to provide the region with top-quality water, and you’ll get to see some of the park’s water supply structures," says Steve.

The walk is suitable for all ages and abilities, and is doggy, buggy and wheelchair-friendly (people in wheelchairs will need help from a friend for some of the steeper slopes).