Police Minister pays tribute to slain officers

Friday 1 February 2013, 5:22PM

By Anne Tolley


Police Minister Anne Tolley has today attended a ceremony to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the tragic deaths of four Police officers.

Detective Inspector Wallace Chalmers, Detective Sergeant Neville Power, Constable Bryan Schultz and Constable James Richardson were all killed by gunmen within a four-week period in early 1963.

“The events of fifty years ago shook the whole country, and today’s ceremony at the Royal New Zealand Police College was a moving tribute to the memories of the four officers who lost their lives while serving the public,” says Mrs Tolley.

“It was humbling to meet the families and former colleagues of the fallen officers, and a reminder to everyone of the sacrifices that are made by Police officers and their loved ones.

“Our Police have to show bravery, courage and professionalism every single day – and without family support they wouldn’t be able to do their job.

“The traumatic events of fifty years ago had a huge impact, not only on the families, friends and colleagues of the slain officers, but also on the Police service itself.

“It directly led to the formation of the Armed Offenders Squad, which is keeping New Zealanders safe to this day.

“The officers who died in 1963 will always be remembered, as will all of the Police staff who have given their lives while protecting our communities.”