Allow more time for Northland/Auckland travel advises NZTA

Monday 11 February 2013, 4:52PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


The NZ Transport Agency reminds drivers using Northland/Auckland transport corridors this week to allow more time for their journeys because of necessary work on two state highways - the Northern Gateway Toll Road (SH1) near Auckland and SH12 in Northland.

Annual safety and maintenance checks on the toll road tunnels at Johnstones Hill start tomorrow (12 February) at 4am.  The toll road will remain open at all times, but one of the two tunnels will be closed on either Tuesday or Wednesday and traffic diverted through the other tunnel.

In Northland, a six hour-long closure on SH12 near Matakohe starts at 9am tomorrow (12 February) for work to improve the southern approach to Hardies Bridge. The NZTA says an 18 kilometre-long diversion on rural roads could add another 15 minutes to a trip. 

The NZTA’s Regional Asset Manager, Steve Mutton, says the Transport Agency is keeping both highways open to reduce any disruption to drivers, but they should allow more time for safe travel. 

“We appreciate the support and co-operation of all drivers, and we will do our best to ensure our work is completed as quickly as possible,” Mr Mutton says. “The work on both highways is necessary to ensure they remain in the best condition for all road users,”