Your Guide to Summer Shopping Inspiration

Thursday 28 February 2013, 1:10PM

By EziBuy Ltd


Finding the inspiration on what to wear this summer requires that you look in all the right places. Sticking to what you know best and what’s always worked for you in the past isn’t always the smartest choice – it can leave you lost behind the times, out of season and dressed in the same drab summer garb that you’ve been wearing year in and year out. What follows is our guide on where to find the inspiration for your new look this season.

Meet the mannequins – Store window displays

In a recent survey conducted by the folks over at, most Kiwi shoppers indicated that when it comes to finding the inspiration on what to buy for the summer they turn to what the stores have on offer. This is an excellent strategy, provided you’re actually looking to the ‘right’ kinds of stores for your style stimulus. If you’re inspired to freshen up your look this summer then you’re going to want to check out what the more fashionable stores have on display. Do a little research and find out which stores are hot right now and be sure to pay them a visit. Stroll around and take a few snapshots of what appeals to you. Make a point of heading into the kinds of stores you don’t ordinarily go into and keep a lookout for anything that jumps out at you. The goal here is to mix it up, shake off your habitual inhibitions and see what works and what doesn’t. Don’t worry about replicating whatever you see piece for piece, instead keep an open mind and notice things like which color schemes go well together, how items are pieced together to give off the kind of look you’re after, or what types of fabrics and textures to go for.

The Media – Magazines, websites and blogs 

Take a trip to your local bookstore and plough through the fashion magazine rack. Magazines are great for giving you an insight into all the latest trends as well as an idea of how to piece together outfits in innovative and creative ways. Create a vision board at home and pin up anything that inspires you. Online Clothing websites and fashion blogs showcase a huge variety of fashions and styles and they are great catalysts for helping you creatively put together a lively, fresh new look for yourself. Just do an online search for the kinds of look you’re after and take it from there.

Ground Zero – out on the street

Head out onto the streets and keep your eyes peeled. When you actually stop and pay attention to the people around you it will become obvious just how many fashion forward people there are in your city. Head over to the trendy part of town, take up a chair at an outdoor coffee shop and as you sip your latte be on the lookout for new and inspiring looks. If you see something that really intrigues you take a smartphone snap or better yet head on over and ask them where they bought it. There’s no need for playing spy games and skulking from shadow to shadow in a stalker-like pursuit of your prey – just a simple ‘Excuse me, I love that (fill in the blank), would you mind telling me where you got it?’ will suffice. You will soon discover that nobody is immune to the power of a simple compliment.

There really is no need to go on beating your head against the wardrobe trying to conjure up new concepts on what to wear this summer -There’s a world of fashion inspiration out there, you just need to know where to look.