Team Harraways Oats finishes second

Wednesday 13 March 2013, 5:17PM

By GODZone


Team Harraways Oats finish GODZone 2013
Team Harraways Oats finish GODZone 2013 Credit: Alex Socci



Team Harraways Oats came across the finish line ranked second at the GODZone adventure race this morning having chased the lead team mercilessly from the start.

The very popular team lead by Jess Simson with Stuart Lynch, Aaron Prince and Dougal Allan raced hard and fast and race director Warren Bates says for a team who only came together for the race they proved their adventure racing pedigree.

“ They went very well as a team and were fairly philosophical about the outcome. I don’t think they could have done any more and Dougal actually said they gave it their all.”

With slick transitions and solid navigation, the team pushed first placed Seagate all the way but never managed to over take them.

“ These guys really enjoyed the canyon swing at the end of the race,” says Warren.” It was hilarious to watch Jess swear like a trooper as she swung down into the canyon.

Team Macpac are expected across the finish line later today in third place.