Local Travel Agency Secures Top Spot Again

Tuesday 7 May 2013, 2:56PM

By Impact PR



A shiny plaque has taken pride of place at House of Travel Rangiora, announcing the team’s win of the Top Performing Outlet Award for the second year in a row.

The impressive plaque, which is proudly perched at the entrance of the store, was a welcome surprise to owner Jonathan Prager.

“We’re over the moon to now have two awards that we can display in all their glory. I believe this win is owed to the good reputation the Rangiora store has cemented over its 13 years,” he says.

“A low staff turnover also means that our locals have established strong and trusting relationships with our consultants. They know that our dedicated approach is genuine, and that we’ll do our best to make sure they have the best holiday possible.”

The CEO for House of Travel, Mark O’Donnell, is thrilled to see the Rangiora store, which also won Top Performing Medium-Sized Outlet over more than 70 other outlets, win again.

“It is truly fantastic to see the Rangiora team’s investment in their community has been reflected in their performance,” he says. “Their national success is a testament to the consultants’ reliable and passionate service, which has kept customers coming back.”

Prager is proud that his store did so well despite its on-street premises having to be demolished due to earthquake damage, forcing it to move into an upstairs office in a building down the road.

“Local hardship has resulted in a more aspirational mentality in the community, where people are more inclined to book holidays,” he explains.

“Now, people are living more in the moment, and booking their dream trip, rather than waiting for a rainy day. We are also seeing more people come into the store, as Rangiora sees an increase in its population, with many moving here from Christchurch.”

Bookings to destinations like Australia, North America, the South Pacific and Europe are booming, says Prager.

“Clients enjoy booking these ambitious trips with our warm and helpful consultants because it ensures security,” he says.

The team at House of Travel Rangiora were given their prestigious award at the company’s annual prize-giving in Auckland on April 13.