Snapshot of heartland New Zealand on Papers Past

Monday 10 June 2013, 10:19AM

By Dept of Internal Affairs


From colonial Lyttleton to pre-Second World War Upper Hutt, the latest additions to the Papers Past website offer a fascinating cross-section of life in 19th and 20th century New Zealand outside the main centres.

Historic editions of eight regional newspaper titles have now been digitised and are available on the popular Papers Past website in a collaborative project between the National Library of New Zealand and groups with an interest in the newspapers.

“The newspapers being released through this effort represent a closer look into the news history of New Zealand outside the four main urban centres – these papers tell the more intimate news of the communities they originally served,” said National Librarian, Bill Macnaught.

Christchurch City Libraries, Palmerston North City Library, Hamilton City Libraries, Nelson Public Library, Hauraki District Libraries, and Upper Hutt City Libraries have contributed towards the digitisation of:

•       Lyttelton Times (1866-1869)
•       Manawatu Standard (1911-1912)
•       Manawatu Times (1909-1911)
•       Waikato Times (1893-1895)
•       Nelson Evening Mail (1910-1918)
•       Waihi Daily Telegraph (1904-1909)
•       Hutt Valley Independent (1911-1919)
•       Upper Hutt Weekly Review (1935-1939)

“This new content is a wonderful addition to one of the most popular web services to come out of the public sector in NZ. Up to twenty thousand people per day use Papers Past, and this tells us that there’s a real appetite for research using the news history of New Zealand,” said Emerson Vandy, Digital Services Manager at the National Library.