The ride to conquer cancer celebrates First Annual Epic Impact Day in New Zealand

Wednesday 12 June 2013, 6:05PM

By MJ Media


The Ride to  Conquer Cancer logo
The Ride to Conquer Cancer logo Credit: Cancer Society

The Ride To Conquer Cancer celebrated its first annual “Epic Impact Day” in New Zealand on Wednesday.  The national fundraising initiative by The Ride participants surged donations in support of life-saving cancer research and clinical trials at Cancer Society Auckland.

“Funds raised through The Ride are put to use immediately right here in Auckland supporting world-leading research programmes and clinical trials at Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre,” said John Loof, CEO of Cancer Society Auckland.

“Cancer is the leading cause of death in New Zealand and accounts for 29% of all deaths.  As one of the world’s most productive academic cancer drug development groups, we have brought 12 new drugs to clinical trials in New Zealand and around the world, and are on a mission to conquer this disease. Epic Impact Day enables The Ride community to come together and make a substantial impact to advance this mission, so we are asking all Kiwis to support our Riders and make a donation today calling 09 887 RIDE (7433) or by visiting,”  Mr. Loof added.

In three years, The Ride To Conquer Cancer raised over $26.4 million for cancer research, treatment and care initiatives across Australia and became the largest single fundraising event series in the country’s history.  The annual two day, 200 km Ride bring together communities of people who have been through cancer, cyclists and supporters who train and fundraise for months in order to participate.

“In 2012 I was diagnosed with an incurable form of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma,” said Eleanor Kinley of Auckland.

“When my cancer returns, I hope to be fit to fight it again but more importantly, it’s my hope that the funds we raise will help lead to a breakthrough discovery that may help those of us who have to live with cancer in its many forms,” Mrs Kinley added.

The 2013 Ride will take place November 16th & 17th through the beautiful New Zealand landscape and will start and finish in Auckland.  There will be an overnight camp in Pukehohe where participants will enjoy pre-pitched tents, hot meals, hot showers, massages, entertainment and other festive activities.

To donate, register or access additional information, visit or call 09 887 RIDE (7433).